Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Mengganti Password Administrator Windows Xp
1. Pertama-tama buka [Start] lalu pilih [Run] lalu ketikkan lusrmgr.msc lalu tekan Enter
2. Kemudian Anda akan melihat window Local Users and Groups. Di window inilah kita bisa mengganti password pada Windows. Lalu pilih folder Users di sebelah kiri dan lihat ke jendela di sebelah kanan akan menampilkan daftar user yang ada.
3. Pilih user yang ingin kita ganti passwordnya. Klik kanan pada User tersebut lalu pilih Set Password… Misalnya kita ingin mengganti password administratornya, maka klik kanan pada user Administator lalu pilih Set Password…
4. Lalu akan muncul jendela peringatan megenai resiko mengganti/mereset passwordAdministrtator. Klik Proceed untuk melanjutkan pekerjaan kita.
5. Isi password baru yang ingin kita pasang pada New Password dan konfirmasikan sekalilagi password baru tersebut pada Confirm Password.
Nah.. selesai dah
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Tutorial Java dengan Textpad
instal JDKnya terlebih dahulu, bisa diwonload disini
setelah itu baru instal textpad yang sudah di download tadi
kemuadia buka programnya
setelah itu bikin public class terlebih dahulu
setelah itu save dengan format public class bebas tidak harus test1). maka akan berubah warna.
kemudian tuliskan sebagai berikut :
System.out.println("Hello word");
lakukan compile dengan menekan F1 apabila Tool completed successfully
maka tekan F2 untuk menampilkannya.
println : berfungsi untuk mencetak dengan enter
print : berfungsi untuk mencetak tanpa enter
printf : berfungsi untuk mencetak dengan format
\t : berfungsi sebagai tab (jarak)
\n : berfungsi sebagai enter sama sepernti println
bagi yang kurang jelas bisa comment langsung
Hitman 2: Silent Assassin
Despite what my high school guidance counselor says, I'd make a terrible hitman. I'm fine with the whole killing thing; I just don't seem to have the patience to keep the killing to a minimum acceptable level. If I can save three minutes by killing a guy, I'll probably do it. Such is the verdict at least of a week's worth of playing Eidos' Hitman 2, the follow up to one of the better-conceived games of 2000.
But while the original had some really interesting ideas, the actual implementation of those ideas fell short in a few key areas. Thankfully, the sequel fixes virtually everything that was wrong with the first game and preserves everything that we liked. Better still, the game doesn't take the fact that I'm an impatient hitman seriously enough that it keeps me from enjoying myself.
For those of you who are just joining us, Hitman 2 puts you in the role of Agent 47, an assassin for hire, and sends you all over the world performing murders for hire. But things don't start like that. The hitman, codenamed 47, has had a change of heart and repented from his evil ways and is now living in a monastery. Without giving it away, circumstances call him back in to action.
Soon he's in the midst of a dangerous world where he himself is often the most dangerous element. Hired to kill for money, he travels to various locations around the globe performing a series of seemingly unconnected hits that gradually come together to form a larger picture. Along the way, you can take many different approaches to your contracts. As long as the guy you're supposed to kill winds up dead, no one's in a position to complain.
To a large extent, that's the real beauty of Hitman 2. While Thief is a great game, the fact that you have to use stealth gives it a limitation (albeit a compelling one) that Hitman 2 doesn't have. Instead, Hitman 2 lets you play either blatantly excessive or artfully efficient in terms of violence and confrontation. Sure, most missions offer substantial rewards for the inconvenience inherent in sneaking around, but few of them categorically restrict the player to this approach. Given the practical benefits of going in with guns blazing, how you progress through a level is more a matter of taste than a matter of mission scripting.
That simply philosophy is apparent at all levels -- from the game's core concept to the execution of the smallest tasks. Since Dan played a great deal of the game for our previews, we've been sharing a lot of our experiences with each other. In nearly every case, I'm amazed that we've both come up with drastically different yet equally effective solutions to the same missions. Still more impressive is that he and I can have vastly different body counts for successful missions. In some cases, one or the other of us was able to focus on a much less bloody approach than the other.
Like I said, most of my missions were a little too bloody, and there's a greater satisfaction to be found in infiltrating a level, avoiding all the guards, killing your lone target and then getting out again without anyone being the wiser. The game ranks your performance based on the amount of disruption you cause in a given mission. The efficient players will be labeled "stealth assassins," the more reckless ones are likely to be termed "mass murderers." Realistically, you'll wind up in between most of the time, coming across as a simple "hatchet man" or "slayer."
During the course of the game, you'll have to take on a number of tasks -- that is to say, you'll have to take on the same task (killing a dude) in a number of different circumstances and settings. You'll have to break in to a penthouse and make your hit look like a burglary. Or you'll have to ice a general who's interrogating a prisoner deep in a military basement. Or place a transmitter on a guy, then kill him so you can track his corpse to the guy you really want to kill, his father.
All of these missions are delivered to you via a laptop in your shed. One would assume that a state-of-the-art hitman would have access to better intelligence than your guy seems to. The large streets maps that you get don't show things like doors or windows or even how many floors a given building has. You get this info for some of the key structures but there are more than a few instances where looking at the map gives you almost no indication of what the level is really like.
As a result, some of the more difficult missions require you to go in and screw things up once or twice before you get a sense of how the various pieces of the puzzle add up to a successful mission. There are also a number of items and triggers that are hard to figure out exactly. Occasionally the game will give you an item (like a cell phone and a pager) without presenting a clear circumstance for its use. I really like the free nature of this approach and the improvisation required to pull it off is kind of fun. Still, it seems like a professional hitman would be a little better prepared before going off on a hit.
There are also some frustrating ambiguities in the mission briefings. In an early mission, you're told that you can pick up your equipment "near the pier." What this actually means is "complete across the street from the pier behind a dumpster." It seems amateurish that your employers aren't clearer about these things. In any case, this is a game that tests how resourceful you are and how quickly you can adapt to changes in the "plan."
But even if you figure out a particular path through a level, there are bound to be plenty of others that you didn't try or perhaps weren't even aware of. In one mission where you have to assassinate two men meeting in a park, I fixed it by planting a bomb on one of the guy's cars, and then climbed up a radio tower to snipe the other one. When his friend went down, the other guy raced to his car and boom! Dan, on the other hand, after placing the bomb on the first lime merely waited until the other limo driver went down an alley to take a leak. Dan snuck up and strangled him, switched his clothes and walked back to plant the bomb on the limo himself.
One big (and entirely welcome) change is the addition of a save system. Based on the difficultly level you've chosen, you'll be allotted a certain number of saves for each mission. At the end of the mission, your success rating is dependent on the number of saves you've used. The game also rewards more stealthy players with bonus saves for completing particular tasks without resorting to some sort of bloodbath. Being sneaky also rewards you with extra equipment for subsequent missions.
part 1.001
part 1.002
part 1.003
part 1.004
part 1.005
part 1.006
True Crime New York City
Like Grand Theft Auto, but, not. It has always been beyond me why companies try to copy other successful formulas. Inevitably its not going to work. Inevitably you're going to get a second rate piece of rubbish, and inevitably everyone is going to compare it to the decent version and laugh at yours and give it self esteem issues. So why do it? I don't know.
Perhaps hope springs eternal in game maker's breasts. That must be the reason. Misplaced hope is always somewhat pathetic though, and it is especially pathetic when it comes to True Crime: New York City.
The first complaint I'll have to make is the minuscule game play. There are four missions. Four. They are all about the same to play too. Which really makes you wonder why they bothered at all. It's like storyline was a hassle that they had to deal with, but would much rather not have done.
You find yourself as Marcus Reed, a young renegade cop, determined to put wrongs right, and commit his own brand of crime while he does it. It is a little confusing telling whether the “True Crime” part of the title refers to the gangsters you bust, or your own character, who has no respect for procedure at all.
There are a decent amount of side missions to go on, which helps disguise the lack of true storyline. They can be fairly entertaining to take part in, and actually introduce some variety into the game play. Part of your cop duties are doing things like taking part in illegal street races. Something tells me that the real NYPD's duties are by and large a lot less interesting than Marcus's.
The high point of this game is undoubtedly the way that New York has been recreated in a game world. Unfortunately most of us are not looking for 3D maps of New York, rather we're looking to play a decent game. Unfortunately this is not going to happen here. Part of the problem is bad underlying design, and part of the problem appears to be the fact that this is a poorly done port from Xbox and PS2.
The overall presentation of the game is very hit and miss. There are some awesome cameo appearances from people like Christopher Walken and Lawrence Fishburne. (Think Morpheus, he should just change his name to Morpheus anyway, that would be so cool.)
A nice touch is the interrogation aspect of the game, which should interest anyone thinking of a career in international relations for the US Military. Other interesting things that should be mentioned are the shooting system, which I have to compliment, though purists will be upset because its too easy. This isn't a FPS, so an overly simplified shooting system can be forgiven. Basically all you have to do to take down a crim is fire in their general direction. What could be more simple?
Each successfully completed mission gives you career points, which you can use to be a better cop. You can also learn new fighting moves, driving moves, that sort of thing. New moves are learned at dojos scattered across the city, and the process of becoming a better fighter does feel a tad contrived, but hey, its not reality right?
No, it's not, and you'll be reminded of that fact constantly with the interesting array of glitches that have been left in the game for your amusement. There are so few character models that it almost feels like New York has been transformed into a city of clones. Perhaps there is more Matrix inspired influence here than we previously suspected, as you'll discover when a virtual army of blocky clones meander down the block.
Those are far from being the only problems though, your character seems to have trouble not only telling right from wrong, but wall from not wall. Look, he's halfway through it! Magic!
Graphically this game is, as my dear dad used to say, a dog's breakfast. Terrible textures, environments with buildings that are barely differentiated from one another, animations that will make you laugh, or perhaps cry.
Not much attention has been paid to physics and realism either. Cars and people literally pop in and out of existence right before your eyes, which is rather disconcerting at the best of times and teeth grindingly retarded at others.
Sound wise it's not much better, with voice actors clearly suffering from tourettes having been employed to give 'life' to the characters of the game.
To sum this game up: Could have done better, should have done better. Needs to work harder. Doesn't play well with others. Termination recommended.
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Sunday, November 14, 2010
Warcraft 3
t has been nearly 15 years since the war between the Orcs and Humans ended. An uneasy peace settled over the land while, for years, the drums of war were silent. Yet the kingdoms of men grew complacent in their victory--and slowly, the defeated orcish clans regrouped under the banner of a new visionary leader.
Now a darker shadow has fallen over the world, threatening to extinguish all life, all hope. The drums of war play upon the winds once again, rising urgently towards the inevitable hour when the skies will rain fire and the world will tremble before the coming of the Burning Legion. Armed with distinctive units, magical abilities and weapons of war, the Orcs, Humans, Undead, and Night Elves clash in their renewed struggle for dominance. The Day of Judgment has come.
The demo version of the game lets you try out both the single-player game mode and multiplayer on one map.
Downloadpart 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
part 6
part 7
Bruno mars_-_Doo Wops And Hooligans
1. 01- Grenade
2. 02- Just The Way You Are
3. 03- Our First Time
4. 04- Runaway Baby
5. 05- The Lazy Song
6. 06- Marry You
7. 07- Talking To The Moon
8. 08- Liquor Store Blues (feat. Damian Marley)
9. 09- Count On Me
10. 10- The Other Side (feat. Cee Lo Green & B.o.B)
11. 11- Freedom (feat. Jackie Boyz) (Bonus Track)
here !
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2 (PC)
Need for Speed, the award-winning arcade racing game, is back and better than ever in Need For Speed Hot Pursuit 2.
Staying true to its heritage, NFS Hot Pursuit 2 houses a stable of exclusive, exotic cars from the world's most coveted licensors including Ferrari, Porsche, and Lamborghini. Race through an array of open road environments that come to life with river crossings, waterfalls, beaches, dusty paths, and brush fires.
Rush through traffic, conquer multiple racing events, and outrun cops in hot pursuit to become the Champion Road Racer!
Product Basic Spec:
* ESRB rating Everyone -
* Genre Games - racing ,
Games - simulation
* Elements Arcade - car racing ,
Simulation - car racing
* Context Realistic
* Play time mode Real-time
* Number of players 1-2 Players
* Difficulty Medium
* Stability Stable
* Learning curve About a half hour
* Operating system Microsoft Windows 98 ,
Microsoft Windows XP ,
Microsoft Windows 2000 ,
Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition
* CPU PII 400
* Disk 100
* RAM 64
* VRAM 16
* RAM 256
part 1
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part 5
Monday, November 8, 2010
1. Dr. Feel Good (feat. Cee-Lo Green)
2. Superbad
3. Billionaire (feat. Bruno Mars)
4. Need You
5. Critical (feat. Tim William)
6. Akidagain
7. Well Be Alright
8. The Manual (feat. T-Pain And Young Cash)
9. After Midnight (Itll Burn)
10. Don't Pretend (feat. Colin Munroe And Travis Barker)
Ludacris - Theater of the Mind
1. Intro
2. Undisputed (Co-Starring Floyd "Money" Mayweather)
3. Wish You Would (Co-Starring T.I.)
4. One More Drink (Co-Starring T-Pain)
5. Call Up The Homies (Co-Starring The Game and Willy Northpole)
6. Southern Gangsta (Co-Starring Rick Ross, Playaz Circle and Ving Rhames)
7. Everybody Hates Chris (Co-Starring Chris Rock)
8. What Them Girls Like (Co-Starring Chris Brown and Sean Garrett)
9. Nasty Girl (Co-Starring Plies)
10. Contagious (Co-Starring Jamie Foxx)
11. Last Of A Dying Breed (Co-Starring Lil Wayne)
12. MVP
13. I Do It For Hip Hop (Co-Starring Nas and Jay-Z)
14. Do The Right Thang (Co-Starring Common and Spike Lee)
Download (mediafire)
Boyz II Men - Love 2009
1. I Can't Make You Love Me
2. Amazed
3. Could It Be I'm Falling In Love
4. If You Leave Me Now
5. Time After Time
6. Iris
7. Cupid
8. Shining Star
9. In My Life
10. Open Arms
11. When I Fall In Love (ft Michael Buble)
12. Back For Good
13. Misty Blue (Bonus Track)
Download (mediafire)
Boyz II Men
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Penumbra: Overture adalah yang pertama dalam serangkaian Permainan Episodik yang dikembangkan oleh Swedia pengembang Friksional Games. Ini pada awalnya dimaksudkan sebagai episode pertama dari Trilogy. Dengan pengumuman episode kedua, Penumbra Black Plague disebutkan bahwa kedua akan menjadi pertandingan final. bab, Namun, ekspansi telah dirilis sejak itu: Penumbra requiem, memberikan serangkaian bab ketiga, meskipun tidak melanjutkan cerita dengan cara apapun.
Meskipun Friksional Games menjelaskan penumbra: Overture sebagai Orang pertama pertualangan , memadukan permainan dalam genre survival horror, Penggunaan Newton dinamika Game menekankan berbasis teka-teki fisika serta fisika berbasis tempur. Permainan juga mengambil keuntungan dari kecerdasan buatan canggih untuk merespon realistis terhadap suara dan cahaya, menciptakan permainan berbasis stealth.
Tidak ada senjata api dalam permainan, sehingga pada saat melawan pemain terbatas untuk improvisasi huru-hara berkelahi dengan palu atau beliung, atau melempar benda pada menyerang makhluk. Permainan ini dirancang untuk menekankan diam-diam dan menghindari daripada konflik langsung. Sebagai contoh, Philip bisa menutup pintu di belakangnya untuk sementara menahan musuh menyerang.
Fokus utama permainan adalah pada eksplorasi dan interaksi objek game petualangan klasik: memeriksa dan mengumpulkan benda-benda dan menggunakan mereka untuk memecahkan teka-teki.
Download file (mediafire)
penumbra part 1
penumbra part 2
penumbra part 3
penumbra part 4
penumbra part 5
penumbra part 6
Friday, November 5, 2010
Medal Of Honor - Pacific assault
he game was developed by EA Los Angels and published by Electronic Arts .for the PC. It is primarily a first-person shooter, with the exception of one level in which the player flies an SBD Dauntless in the middle of a dog fight. The engine of the game is a modified Lithtech Jupiter, and Havok physics engine. The music was composed by Christopher Lennertz. There exist two versions of the game, a standard CD-ROM edition released on November 9, 2004 and a Director's Edition DVD, which includes some bonus features and historical movies, released on November 2, 2004.
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part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
part 6
part 7
part 8
part 9
part 10
part 11
part 12
1. Escape
2. Night Of The Hunter
3. Kings and Queen
4. This is War
5. 100 Sun
6. Huricane
7. Closer To The Edge
8. Vox Pupoli
9. Search And Destroy
10. Alibi
11. Stranger in A Strange Land
12. L490
13. Kings and Queen(LA Riot Vocals mix)
14. Night Of The Hunter(Flood Remix)
Download (mediafire)
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Satellite TV PC Master 6.0.2
Satellite TV PC Master - benar-benar baru dan mungkin yang terbaik dari program sejenis untuk menonton dan merekam secara online. Stasiun TV dan Radio streaming melalui koneksi internet pada TV atau komputer Anda. Program "PC TV satelit Master" Anda dapat menonton siaran olahraga, online acara TV, film baru, channel dewasa, channel musik, saluran berita, dokumenter saluran dan banyak lagi. Program ini dibangun secara otomatis memperbarui saluran, ditambah dengan scanner dan kinerja avtozapominanie saluran TV dan radio. Untuk menonton, anda tidak memerlukan TV tuner, semua saluran yang disiarkan secara langsung melalui koneksi internet.
Download (mediafire)
Real Footbal Manager 2010
Seorang pecinta game sepak bola pastinya hafal dengan permainan football manager. Footbal manager adalah games yang cukup menantang dan mengasyikan bagi seorang pecandu sepak bola. Dengan memainkan permainan ini kita ditantang untuk menjadi seorang manager sebuah klub sepakbola, layaknya Fabio Capello, Alex Ferguson, ataupun Arsene Wenger.
Nah biasanya game ini idealnya tersedia untuk PC. Namun, ternyata kabar baik buat kamu yang belum mengetahuinya, bahwa game ini tersedia dalam bentuk aplikasi java. Sehingga kamu bisa memainkan game football manager ini pada ponsel.
Meskipun bisa memainkanya pada ponsel kamu, namun jangan harap gamenya sama persis seperti yang ada pada PC. Tentunya akan jauh berbeda.
silahkan download link dibawah ini
part 1
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part 3
part 4
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part 6
part 7
part 8
part 9
part 10
part 11
part 12
part 13
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
DeepFreeze Standard.v6.61 + serial
Deep Freeze atau program yang digunakan untuk membekukan suatu area drive ini memiliki versi paling baru yaitu 6.61 yang sekarang dapat digunakan untuk Operating System Windows 7, sebelum versi 6.61 ini deep freeze belum bisa digunakan untuk windows 7 dan akan mengalami berbagai eror apabila tetap dipaksa untuk melakukan istalasi.
Kenapa Deep Freeze ini sangat disarankan untuk para pengguna komputer terutama bagi yang sering tersambung dengan internet? karena saat ini terlah banyak beredar virus-virus berbahaya dan belum ada penawarnya bersarang di file-file dalam dunia maya, virus ini menyerang drive c di system32 yang sangat membuat kewalahan apabila terjangkiti virus ini. Tidak hanya belum ada penawar yang ampuh, jalan satu-satunya pun harus melalui instal ulang yang dapat menghilangkan data-data penting kita (bayangkan apabila berisi skripsi atau data penting lainnya). Nah dengan Deep Freeze inikita akan membekukan drive c agar tidak ada perubahan yang dilakukan diam-diam oleh virus, setting akan kembalai ke bentuk awal setelah kita restart. Namun ada nilai plus, dan ada nilai minus, karena kita memakai software ini, kita harus sabar apabila ingin menginstal program atau update antivirus di C karena harus melalui "Thawed" atau Dicairkan terlebih dahulu.
Download (mediafire)
Vipre Premium + Keygen (Full Version)
VIPRE Antivirus Premium is high-performance antivirus + antispyware software with an integrated firewall. It doesn't slow down your PC like other antivirus products. The press loves it, and VIPRE has been Vb100 and ICSA certified, which means you get world-class anti-malware protection. Protect your PC from 'being owned' by bad guys with our free (registered) full-function 30-day trial!
Tired of that old (free) antivirus program that makes your PC slow down to a crawl? Interrupting what you are doing with slow scan times, causing problems and nagging you? Time for a change to next-generation antivirus with a firewall that IS NOT a resource hog. Kiss your antivirus bloatware goodbye!
Download mediafire (pass : Rocka)
Download here
Call of Duty 5_-_World at War
World at War was the fifth game of the Call of Duty, features a more mature theme than previous installments. The game is also open-ended, as there are multiple ways to complete objectives. The gameplay of World at War shares several features with previous iterations of the franchise. Players fight alongside AI-controlled teammates. They help during the game's missions by providing cover fire, shooting down enemies, and clearing rooms for entry.
When playing Wii version of the game, instead of using a controller, as the Xbox 360 and the Play station 3 versions require, an optional gun-like expansion controller known as the wii zapper can be used. The Zapper, or Wii remote and Nunchuk, can be used to aim at targets to fire at them and simulate marksmanship.
includes a similar multiplayer experience to that which was established in Call of Duty 4 : Modern warfare . All versions of the game use a similar perk and ranking system and feature six different multiplayer modes, including team deatmatch and capture-the-flag.The game also features a cooperative gampeplay mode with up to two
players via Split screen on consoles, or four players online, for the firs
t time in the franchise. The Wii version of the game does not include online co-op, but two players can play through a "squadmat
e co-op" mode which allows both players to experience the game through the same screen and point of view.
The minigame Nazi Zombies consists of 1–4 players fighting an unlimited number of waves of Nazi Zombies. Players can work together with other people to kill the zombies known as "co-op" mode either offline with two players or online with 2-4 players. The players gain points by injuring or killing the zombies or repairing boarded-up windows, which are used to remove blockages inside the bunker and to gain access to more useful weapons than the starting Pistol and unlock more rooms. Zombies continually break the windows to gain entrance and to find and kill the players; when all players die, the game is over.
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download part 18
download part 19
download part 20
Pitbull_-_Rebelution (2009)
1.Triumph (feat. Avery Storm
2.Shut It Down (feat. Akon)
3.I Know You Want Me (Calle Ocho)
5.Full Of Shit (feat. Nayer, Bass Ill Euro)
6.Dope Ball
7.Can't Stop Me Now (feat. The New Royales)
8.Hotel Room Service
9.Juice Box
10.Call Of The Wild
11.Krazy (feat. Lil Jon)
12.Give Them What They Ask For
13.Across The World (feat. B.O.B.)
14.Daddys Little Girl (feat. Slim (of 112)
Download File (via Mediafire)
Stronghold Crusader + Stronghold Crusader Extreme
Stronghold: Crusader Extreme adalah update dari ekspansi permainan video Stronghold ,Stronghold: Crusader, oleh Firefly Studios. Crusader Extreme
berlatarkan Timur Tengah pada zaman Perang Salib.
Stronghold Crusader Extreme memberikan tambahan angkatan bersenjata yang lebih besar yaitu 10.000 tentara, bangunan dan misi baru.System Requirements
- Operating system: Windows 2000, XP, XP Media and Vista.
- CPU: Pentium III 500 mhz (1Ghz recommended)
- RAM: 128MB (256MB recommended for multiplayer)
- HDD: 850MB
Download (mediafire)
Part 1.rar
Part 2.rar
Part 3.rar
Part 4.rar
Part 5.rar
Part 6.rar
Part 7.rar
Part 8.rar
Call Of duty 2
Call of Duty 2 is a first-person shooter and the second installment in the critically acclaimed Call of duty series. It was developed byInfity Ward and published by Activision. It was released on October 25, 2005 for Microsoft Windows and on November 15, 2005 for the Xbox 360 in Europe, Australia and North America . Other versions were made for mobile phones as well as Pocket Pcs and Smartphone. It was published by Konami in the Japanese market and released on the PC on March 24, 2006 and on the Xbox 360 on June 15, 2006 in Japan.The game is set during Worl War II and is experienced through the perspectives of four soldiers, one in the Red Army, one in the United States
Army and two in the British Army. The game was met with a positive public reception, receiving mostly positive reviews from critics.The Xbox 360 version sold over 250,000 copies in its first week, and had sold 1.4 million copies by October 2006.
Call of duty 2 part 1
Call of duty 2 part 2
Call of duty 2 part 3
Call of duty 2 part 4
Call of duty 2 part 5
Monday, November 1, 2010
Windows 8 Ultimate Xtreme Edition+Crack
What is Windows 8 xTreme ??
Windows 8 xTreme ? its a System based on Windows 7 F! Nal:
- Windows 8 xTreme ? doesn't have any components removed from Original Windows 7 Image so you wont lose any compatibly with software, hardware or miss any stuff at all.
- Windows 8 xTreme ? its a Clean Windows 7 Image with a compilation of the best tweaks and a new integrated look ... keeping all new features like superbar, etc ...
- Windows 8 xTreme ? has been tested in a real machine with a compilation of over 200 softwares ...
- All default applications are silently installed before StartUp ...
* UAC Disabled
* Take Ownership
* Show File Extensions
* Automatic Defragmentation with Diskeeper
* New Cmd File to Right Click
* Enabled Search System Folders in Search
* ClearType
* Windows Will Tell You Exactly What it is Doing When it is Shutting Down or is Booting
* Increase Network Throughput
* ... many tweaks for IE8
* ... many more tweaks for W7 ...
* New Windows 7 Themes
* New Start Button
* New Cursor 3D
* New Hd Wallpapers
* New Hd System Icons Integrated In System
* New User Account Pics
* New Windows Scheme Sounds
* New Logon Screen
* ... and more
Extra Toos Integrated In System:
* Cursor Fx Cursor 3D (separate optional)
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Virus Sallity
Susah dengan Virus Sallity di Komputer anda Virus sallity.G bisa terdetect oleh Antivirus Smadav tetapi virus tersebut sulit dihilangkan bahkan tidak bisa.
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Turbo Pascal 7.0
This page is dedicated to teaching you to program with Borland Turbo Pascal, easily and quickly. We assume no prior programming experience but at least a basic knowledge of algebra. We provide you with all the software you will need, so if you want to learn how to program then you have come to the right place.
Why Learn Pascal?
We thought long and hard about this question. Pascal is a basic and easy to learn language. Using it teaches you important programming principles which can be applied to most other programming languages. It will also teach you skills to think through ta sks and also other skills which can be applied to many areas, including some outside computing, such as task management etc. But the most important reason to learn pascal is because it's fun and interesting. (We hope)
What would I use Pascal for?
You would use Pascal for the same things you would use any programming language. This is things such as: making games or the like, making databases, or performing repetitive calculations.
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